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Hello there folks, this is saby. I'm a run-of-the-mill newfag who draws, writes, and has a ton of oc's. If you need someone to rip your pone design or drawing some new assholes, just drop me a line.
- interests: colour genetics, language, translation, taxonomy, horses, cattle, dogs, veterinary obstetrics, handicrafts and sewing, music, visual arts
- I'm a pretty pretty princess
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Major characters:
- Lady Adamantine / Iron Grip: dusky lilac unicorn, businessmare extraordinaire
- Dinky Twink: pastel lime and pink pegasus, tiny colt with huge ego
- Splendence: light blue unicorn, sweetest spoiled fance pone
- Windwatcher: dull green and dust unicorn, dour intellectual
Reasonably major characters:
- Chestnut Cream: cream Earth pony, insecure sweetheart
- Flamin': grey and orange unicorn, happy-go-lucky dork
- Wave Crest: smoke blue unicorn, no-nonsense gentlecolt
- Silver Glint: dusky purple unicorn, concerned father
- Chantilly: pink Earth pony, lace-weaving romantic
- Bead Frame: rose and grey pegasus, stone cold services
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Minor characters:
- Wire Trick: green Earth pony, sour recluse
- Merry Mint: lilac and baby blue Earth pony, sharing is caring
- Glider: smoke blue griffin, lazy ass and sharp talons
- Sapphire Gleam: light blue unicorn, merry widow
- Flicky Flash: banana and mint Earth pony, neverending energy
- Dawn Song: flax and yellow and green Earth pony, always a kind word
- Lightning Spark: violet and gold pegasus, witty and confident
- Rowdy Punch: green and dark purple Earth pony, ardent colt of the streets
- Emberglow: yellow and red Pegasus, always up for a salsa
- Buttercup: light tan bunny, always busy, never done
- Gale: brown and inky blue pegasus, hotblooded bouncer
- Turf Turner: brown Earth pony, hard work and hard play
- Hoppington: grey bunny, special bunny to handle a special twink
- Wheat Bun: yellow and grey Earth pony, bear traps everywhere